love is in the episode that toast of champagne on beaker between Caitlin Snow and Jay Garrick LOL. Poor Barry, single forever. Nothing major and interesting in this episode.
by the end of series i kinda came to like kingpin specially his love for Vanessa. And that new costume of DareDevil is DOPE cant wait for next season to air.
I personally think jon snow is the main character and prolly isnt dead. He will either be resurrected by melisandre or will be a night walker but with self conscious. It was heart breaking to see him laying flat on the snow with his warm red blood flowing.
The Flash/Season 2/Episode 10
474W AGO
The Flash/Season 2/Episode 10
sujit hero commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
love is in the episode that toast of champagne on beaker between Caitlin Snow and Jay Garrick LOL. Poor Barry, single forever. Nothing major and interesting in this episode.
474W AGO
Daredevil/Season 1/Episode 13
474W AGO
Daredevil/Season 1/Episode 13
sujit hero commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
by the end of series i kinda came to like kingpin specially his love for Vanessa. And that new costume of DareDevil is DOPE cant wait for next season to air.
474W AGO
Game of Thrones/Season 5/Episode 10
474W AGO
Game of Thrones/Season 5/Episode 10
sujit hero commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
I personally think jon snow is the main character and prolly isnt dead. He will either be resurrected by melisandre or will be a night walker but with self conscious. It was heart breaking to see him laying flat on the snow with his warm red blood flowing.
474W AGO