
Arrow - Season 4 - Episode 3

Episode 3Aired 21 Oct 2015




Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, David Ramsey


The growing tension between Oliver and Diggle puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel talks Thea into returning ...

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Rex Smith

The highlight of this spisode was Laurel and Thea’s trip to Nanda Parbat which for me was fascinating. More so was the return of Felicity which was most welcome. I found Nyssa very amazing in this episode, her sparring with Malcolm was fantastic.

Rex Smith @rexsmith991 - 10 Jan 2016


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Wow, I think this is one of my most favorite episodes in the entire series. I couldn't have predicted what Nyssa did, after what happened with the Pit. Dig and Oliver finally kissed and made up for the most part, plus a new lair! Pretty awesome looking as well.

Robert Casper @Bobby_LightPR - 28 Nov 2015