Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul - Season 1 - Episode 5

Episode 5Aired 02 Mar 2015

Alpine Shepherd Boy



Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian


After a strange encounter with the police, Chuck ends up in the hospital. Jimmy meets up with a series of unruly clients.

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Kong Cannabis

Watching Jimmy McGill sit in a seemingly rich man’s den, surrounded by the mounted heads of many a dead animal, listening to the guy spout his anti-government rhetoric is cringeworthy (in the best way possible). Love this episode.

Kong Cannabis @KongCannabis - 16 Feb 2016


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I would have to say this is my favorite episode of the season. I don't want to give spoilers away in case some people haven't watched the show or this episode in particular, but my favorite parts are when Saul goes and meets with the clients. A lot of humor in those scenes. Two in particular really stood out to me; the elderly woman in the chair and the inventor guy.

J @cherry666xx - 30 Jan 2016

YES! This is a great episode. There are multiple things going on in the plot, which I'm afraid to talk about because of the spoilers. Every episode has me going back and forth on whether I like it based on how much I liked Breaking Bad, but finally this one made me forget all of that and enjoy it on its own merit. This is a MUST WATCH!

Cyan Leonhart @cyanleon - 23 Nov 2015