Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul - Season 1 - Episode 9

Episode 9Aired 30 Mar 2015




Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian


Chuck wants Jimmy to accept a harsh truth; Mike's ability to complete a job is questioned.

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When he got to know his elder brother is the one denying him employment in the firm I got so pissed! What is wrong with that old fart??

Nomayer @nomzy_92 - 12 Dec 2015


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Wow! We actually see Mike struggling a little bit in this one. He was such a strong character in Breaking Bad that it was a real surprise to see people doubting him. Even though I know how he ends up later I was drawn in and believed the whole thing for a few minutes. The space-blanket suit had me laughing quite a bit as well.

Cyan Leonhart @cyanleon - 23 Nov 2015