
Daredevil - Season 1 - Episode 5

Episode 5Aired 10 Apr 2015

World on Fire



Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Toby Leonard Moore


Fisk moves forward with plans that threaten to rip Hell's Kitchen apart. Murdock and Foggy take on a case helping tenants victimised by a slumlord.

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Rex Smith

In this episode I loved the fact that Foggy and Karen had their first date. But when she asks him to touch her face pretending to be blind like Murdock was actually weird. Vanessa on the other hand knowing very well how bad Fisk was still goes out on a date with him. I think this series has done a good job showing Daredevil as someone entirely different from Batman.

Rex Smith @rexsmith991 - 11 Jan 2016