
Empire - Season 2 - Episode 12

Episode 12Aired 06 Apr 2016

Episode 12



Terrence Howard, Bryshere Y. Gray, Jussie Smollett, Trai Byers


With Hakeem acting as Empire's CEO, Camilla sinks her claws further and further into him. The rest of the Lyon family tries to get him to rejoin their side, but Hakeem has his own plan. Meanwhile, Jamal receives backlash from his fans and Andre and Rhonda's marriage is tested.

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Caroline Kaugher

I think it's time for Hakeem to stop acting like a fool! Talk about a spoilt rich baby boy, geez. So many better ways to handle things, but hey, that's what happens when a child enters a grown up game.

Caroline Kaugher @NempieBlues - 26 Apr 2016