
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 10

Episode 10Aired 11 Feb 2016

It's Hard Out Here for a General



Laila Ayad, Ashley Bornancin, Ashley Zoe Fox, Raymond Lee


It's been six months since Olivia and Fitz have broken up, and they are both handling their newfound freedom in very different ways. Meanwhile, the Pope and Associates team take on a case that could lead to a national crisis..

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Caroline Kaugher

FINALLY!! She's starting to understand what's going on!!! I wanted to jump up, shout and cheer and degrade myself in so many ways in celebration of this LONG awaited episode. Could Liv Finally be getting a pair? One could certainly hope. Screw the Kings, let's make some Queens, dear Liv.

Caroline Kaugher @NempieBlues - 17 Feb 2016