
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 14

Episode 14Aired 17 Mar 2016

I See You



Kyle Chen, Paul Cuneo, Samantha Cutaran, Eilene Gil


Olivia continues to spy on Jake while the gladiators have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, Susan and Mellie are feeling the pressure as their campaigns heat up; Abby begins to question Cyrus' motives; and a blast from the past surprises everyone.

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Mona LadyConsumer

I hate when the Gladiators feel abandoned by Liv. While it's true they really can (and do) take care of things on their own, it's miserable when the big boss isn't around, ever, and you feel like you're left out in the cold. Liv needs to check in with her "kids" a bit more often.

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 26 Apr 2016