
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 15

Episode 15Aired 24 Mar 2016

Pencils Down



Walter Grant III, Tami Jordan, Eric Satterberg, Doug Simpson


When Mellie makes a very public faux pas, Olivia must decide how far she'll go to fix it. Meanwhile, the Gladiators learn valuable intel about Jake's new love interest, and David Rosen seeks advice about his love triangle with Liz North and Susan Ross.

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Mona LadyConsumer

Two things: 1) I love Mellie - but this "faux pas" was bad - really bad - she really should have known better than to fall into the media's trap. 2) I love David but he's going to find himself in some really hot water if he doesn't resolve this "love triangle" issue soon - before Susan finds out!

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 26 Apr 2016