
Scandal - Season 5 - Episode 9

Episode 9Aired 19 Nov 2015

Baby, It's Cold Outside



Kerry Washington, Darby Stanchfield, Katie Lowes, Scott Foley


Olivia is feeling more and more frustrated as she takes on "First Lady" type responsibilities at the White House. Meanwhile, Mellie proves just how powerful she can be and Jake and Huck continue the hunt for Rowan on the winter finale of "Scandal,"

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Caroline Kaugher

I actually LOVE the direction this is going in. Liv needs to get away from Fitz. He's no good for her. Maybe she'll figure this out - she's the one in charge, and being in the White House takes that away from her! Get OUT!

Caroline Kaugher @NempieBlues - 20 Jan 2016

I LOVED this show...until lately I thought it was the best thing on TV. However, this episode was kinda confusing...Fitz and Liv...what was all that about? And Olivia been cast as a whore, don't like it.

Smuttyperkins @smuttyperkins - 11 Jan 2016

Mona LadyConsumer

Don't like the direction this is taking - with her playing "first lady" duties and all the resentment between her & Fitz... Hope it gets resolved.

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 11 Jan 2016

Anne Adams

I didn't get the Liv and Fitz storyline in this episode - seemed over dramatic and just kinda came out of nowhere! I'm liking Susan Ross more and more though!

Anne Adams @aagroove - 27 Nov 2015