
Suits - Season 5 - Episode 10

Episode 10Aired 26 Aug 2015






Jessica and Louis try to rally the partners to stop the takeover attempt by Hardman and Soloff. In other events, Mike and Harvey each face down past demons in order to make potentially life-altering decisions.

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Mona LadyConsumer

Ultimate cliff-hanger episode - what will happen? This is what the show has been building towards, since the very beginning... I can't wait!

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 11 Jan 2016

Alex Jordan

Damn Just when he about to leave, he gets caught. I wonder who ratted on him, I'm thinking it's Rachel mom. I wonder how the show will turn out

Alex Jordan @Comeatmeyo - 05 Jan 2016

Elleah Derksen

I love the drama of major life changing decisions! This episode had a lot of excitement and enough drama to captivate an audience.

Elleah Derksen @happysnappy16 - 04 Jan 2016

Party animal

I really hate mid-season breaks for this exact reason, have to wait months to resolve a massive cliffhanger like this! Really takes you out of the mood when it starts back up again.

Party animal @ilovescumbags - 16 Nov 2015


I can't wait for the next episode, can't wait to know what is to happen to Mike and Harvey!

Nicole @Nic_Lm - 16 Oct 2015

Anne Adams

Haha I didn't see that coming at all! About time though really...! I wonder who reported him!

Anne Adams @aagroove - 10 Oct 2015


FINA-F*CKIN-LY! Get to jail!

ENTJ @chi_boss - 10 Oct 2015