
Suits - Season 5 - Episode 4

Episode 4Aired 15 Jul 2015

No Puedo Hacerlo



Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, Meghan Markle


Louis's sister wants to get a divorce, without getting her brother involved. Harvey takes her case. Zane & Mike are having some major disagreements on their case.

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Mona LadyConsumer

Harvey and Esther - you know there's going to be trouble there - And it will not sit well with Louis. This is one case where I think Harvey really should step back, for the sake of peace in the office.

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 11 Jan 2016

Party animal

Does Esther really come from the same family as Louis lol! She's far to pretty to be related to him. Harvey has finally come to terms that he's lost Donna forever, or has he?

Party animal @ilovescumbags - 16 Nov 2015