
Suits - Season 5 - Episode 5

Episode 5Aired 22 Jul 2015

Toe to Toe



Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, Meghan Markle


Harvey's rival claims to be a changed man; Harvey's sessions with Dr. Agard continue; Jessica asks Louis to make things right between himself and Harvey.

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Mona LadyConsumer

That Jessica was put in that position was awkward, no doubt about it. In real life she wouldn't stand for the shenanigans that go on in that office. She is such a great character - I'd like her to have a bit more backbone than she does - not put up with any nonsense.

Mona LadyConsumer @LadyConsumer - 11 Jan 2016

Party animal

Tanner is back! I really love the chemistry between Harvey, Mike and Tanner. Things always get heated when they are in a room together and makes for great tv.

Party animal @ilovescumbags - 16 Nov 2015