The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - Season 6 - Episode 11

Episode 11Aired 28 Feb 2016

Knots Untie



Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan


After Rick comes to the realization that Alexandria might not be as safe as he thought, decisions must be made about where to go from here.

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Matt Paolone

It was good when they decided that Alexandria might not be permanent. The show has always been best when they are on the move from place to place facing various enemies and troubles.

Matt Paolone @mjpaolonexx - 26 Apr 2016

Cole McCarty

I am really interested in finding out how they decide to end this season. I guess we will have to wait and see but I really hope it was as good as the previous seasons

Cole McCarty @ColePatrick_ - 08 Feb 2016