Episode 12Aired 06 Mar 2016
Rick and the group realize the only way to maintain the peace of Alexandria is to fight a new enemy. This time, though, our group might be outmatched.
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I think it was very smart on their part to go on the offensive and fight outside of their walls instead of waiting to be invaded. From their perspective, it's the right move because there is no one who can compete with them in a fight.
Matt Paolone @mjpaolonexx - 26 Apr 2016
Episode 12Aired 06 Mar 2016
Not Tomorrow Yet
Rick and the group realize the only way to maintain the peace of Alexandria is to fight a new enemy. This time, though, our group might be outmatched.
I think it was very smart on their part to go on the offensive and fight outside of their walls instead of waiting to be invaded. From their perspective, it's the right move because there is no one who can compete with them in a fight.
Matt Paolone @mjpaolonexx - 26 Apr 2016