Lili Abby

Lili Abby 5



Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 3

Lili Abby rated this episode

477W AGO

Better Call Saul/Season 1/Episode 1

Lili Abby rated this episode

477W AGO

Better Call Saul/Season 1/Episode 1

Lili Abby commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

Breaking bad has left such a high quality standard, that it is really hard for me to get into this show. I do like it though, but not enough to binge watch and obsess over it.

477W AGO

The Walking Dead/Season 2/Episode 7

Lili Abby rated this episode

477W AGO

The Walking Dead/Season 2/Episode 7

Lili Abby commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

I did not expect that twist. It was really sad when they found sophia.. That episode definitely made the viewers think!

477W AGO

Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 11

Lili Abby commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

Loved the relationship between Alex and Piper. Too cute #vauseman

477W AGO

Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 11

Lili Abby rated this episode

477W AGO

Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 3

Lili Abby commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

I think this is one of my favourite episodes. It definitely made me love the show even more. Why? Because of the crazy eyes drama! It was simply hilarious.

477W AGO

The Walking Dead/Season 1/Episode 1

Lili Abby commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

This episode is what caused me to binge watch almost all seasons in a month.. I regret nothing! This episode is what started it all.

477W AGO

The Walking Dead/Season 1/Episode 1

Lili Abby rated this episode

477W AGO