Orange is the New Black

Orange is the New Black - Season 1 - Episode 3

Episode 3Aired 11 Jul 2013

Lesbian Request Denied



Taylor Schilling, Michael Harney, Laura Prepon, Michelle Hurst


Piper must deal with romantic advances from a fellow inmate known as Crazy Eyes.

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Hannah Valore

More lesbian issues for Piper; can a woman catch a break? I love the character of Crazy eyes though, and here she is at her best.

Hannah Valore @AnaBea101 - 26 Apr 2016


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Sydnee Taylor-Adams

This episode had me rolling , Uzo Aduba was seriously the perfect person for this character. Crazy Eyes is just one of those characters that you can't help but love <3

Sydnee Taylor-Adams @sydnee_dtaylor - 01 Feb 2016

Aruna Israel

Crazy eyes is my love. I really feel for her and I love her character. Shes so dramatic and captavating without being over the stop. You can tell she really studies and becomes her character! I lover her obession with Piper also. So cute

Aruna Israel @bxtcheslovej - 02 Jan 2016

Lili Abby

I think this is one of my favourite episodes. It definitely made me love the show even more. Why? Because of the crazy eyes drama! It was simply hilarious.

Lili Abby @lawlpopz - 30 Dec 2015

Tori Soleil

Funniest episode ever! Piper is totally not into women and Crazy Eyes just won't take no for an answer. Well worth watching. I was very pleased with the character development thus far and can't wait to binge watch season 2 & 3.

Tori Soleil @ToriSoleil_ - 30 Dec 2015


I think this is my favorite episode ever because it lets us get a look at who Sophia is. Also, Crazy Eyes's obsession with Piper is just too funny to ignore, especially with that poem she told her in the field!

BADCx3 @legalizedx3 - 27 Nov 2015