Alex Holdstock

Alex Holdstock 5


Father of 4, comic and gaming geek, blogger, drinker of coffee and eater of cake


Daredevil/Season 1/Episode 2

Alex Holdstock commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

I love this episode! And that hallway scene, wow! That's possibly one of my favourite fight scenes in any of the Marvel movies I've seen. Which is incredible considering the huge budgets the movie had!

483W AGO

Daredevil/Season 1/Episode 2

Alex Holdstock rated this episode

483W AGO

The Flash/Season 2/Episode 7

Alex Holdstock commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

It was great to see Grodd make a reappearance, and Harrison Wells donning the Reverse Flash really got me on the edge of my seat, if only for a short while. Interested to see if the Grodd story will develop anywhere further now!

483W AGO

The Flash/Season 2/Episode 7

Alex Holdstock rated this episode

483W AGO

The Flash/Season 2/Episode 1

Alex Holdstock commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

I was expecting a huge intro to this episode and the second season, due to the events that closed out season one. But it simply started out 6 months later, where the huge cliffhanger that the first season ended on was just a distant memory. It was a great opening episode, but I expected more

483W AGO

The Flash/Season 2/Episode 1

Alex Holdstock rated this episode

483W AGO

Game of Thrones/Season 3/Episode 9

Alex Holdstock commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

Possibly the most talked-about episode in the whole of the series. The wedding of Edmure Tully proved to be a real turning-point in the show, and the fallout from what happens in this episode lasts the next 2 or 3 seasons! A real 'jaw-dropping' moment in the show

483W AGO

Game of Thrones/Season 5/Episode 10

Alex Holdstock commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT

Fantastic episode, and it ended on such a cliffhanger too! Can't wait for the new season to start in a few months to see what happens to Winterfell now, and the truth about Jon Snow

483W AGO