The Flash

The Flash - Season 2 - Episode 7

Episode 7Aired 17 Nov 2015

Gorilla Warfare



Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes


While Harrison tells the team that he's heading back to Earth 2 now that they've failed to stop Zoom, Grodd launches a new series of attacks in an attempt to gain the chemicals that he needs to augment his intelligence. Meanwhile, Barry deals with his loss of self-confidence after Zoom cripples him, and Iris calls in a familiar face to help.

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Alex Holdstock

It was great to see Grodd make a reappearance, and Harrison Wells donning the Reverse Flash really got me on the edge of my seat, if only for a short while. Interested to see if the Grodd story will develop anywhere further now!

Alex Holdstock @randomgeekydad - 02 Dec 2015