Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 1
Rtex commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
I saw this on my Facebook news feed, and decided to give it a go! Glad that the show producers included a comedic aspect to the show.
475W AGO
The Walking Dead/Season 2/Episode 1
This is probably one of my favorite episodes. It sets a baseline for many of the future events in the show.
Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 1
Rtex commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
I saw this on my Facebook news feed, and decided to give it a go! Glad that the show producers included a comedic aspect to the show.
475W AGO
Orange is the New Black/Season 1/Episode 1
475W AGO
The Walking Dead/Season 2/Episode 1
Rtex commented on this episode SHOW COMMENT
This is probably one of my favorite episodes. It sets a baseline for many of the future events in the show.
475W AGO
The Walking Dead/Season 2/Episode 1
475W AGO